Guitar Pro: a tablature editor, a score player, and a backing band all in one

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Starting Out With The Instrument

First of all before i begin to pour out everything i want to say i want to inform you that this is my first blog so please bear with me if i sound a tad boring.

Now as the heading suggests i am going to make this blog all about guitar playing and especially for those beginners who have trouble starting out with the instrument.

Let us now basically examine why anybody or rather why most of us are infatuated towards the guitar. The answer is simple and as we all know it's simply because when we see all our music idols jamming on stage with that shiny thing producing the kind of music we all are into, we feel a kind of thrill to do the same.

Now for some people this inspiration is short-lived,for some it never does come at all,for some it becomes a passion and some have mixed feelings. My focus is on the latter. You see people belonging to this category either lose out because there's no one to tell them how to approach the instrument or because most of them end up buying a acoustic to start out with which will end up in the attic rotting away to become just another short lived memory of your life.

I was watching videos on you tube the other day searching for people doing cover's of heavy metal bands and i was surprised to note that i could not find a single cover or i might add a single accomplished guitarist whose from India. I found all the guys who sounded decent to be from the far west.

I am not trying to force people to take up the instrument(Good Lord NO!) but i am trying to create an awareness on how to approach the same if you really wanna be a good guitar player.

In My next post i will try and tell you about the initial steps that need to be taken to start out with the instrument.


  1. interesting site. let's just say i belong to the "mixed feelings" category. i have an acoustic guitar which I was enamored to for awhile but due to some strange reasons, i had to give up playing it (that's after taking formal lessons). but i've been wanting to have an electric guitar as well. i have this crazy dream of becoming the jimmy hendrix of my time. did i say crazy? anyway, i will be on a lookout for your next post. maybe I could go back into playing the guitar again. hey, thanks for dropping by my blog. appreciate it! :-D

  2. Thank You Actually. Good to hear you gave the acoustic a try.hey don't we all wanna be Hendrix but im more of a jimmy page(lol). i hope you enjoy my next post too. cheers,,,=)

  3. Hey nice post man Really cool dude. Do visit mine too...
